• Your Grain Watch Dog!
  • Office Hours: M-F 8:00am - 5:00pm


Please Note:

Effective August 01, 2024

 Brokerage fees will be increasing to $0.07/bu.

Market Master is based in Alberta, networking over 2,000 farmers with hundreds of buyers across 3 provinces. Here is how it works! Tell us your marketing needs and we do the leg work for you. One phone call connects you to hundreds of buyers at once for all different types of grains at all levels of grade. Is local the best vs 300 miles away? Let us check that out.

We contact the buyers getting the best pricing available, negotiate freight and once we have a price we contact you back with all of your options. If a price is agreed upon we don’t stop there, we monitor the logistics and if there are any issues or problems we manage solutions. We make sure our producers are happy! Do you just have questions on the markets? We’re here for that too. Best of all there is no fee for calling for advice or price checking. The only time you have to pay for our service is on grain that is booked and hauled. Brokerage fees are only charged on grain after dockage. We do offer a weekly newsletter for $131.25/per year, this is in addition to being able to call without membership fees.

Grains we handle include: feed or malt barley, wheat, oats, rye, flax, canola, peas, faba beans and triticale. Basically, you name it we will try to help you find a home for it. Going from top quality grading grain to mixed and heated grain. From current pricing to forward contracting. For a brokerage fee charged only on grain that is booked.


Grainwise Newsletter

Only One Click Away!

New Sample Drop Off & Courier Locations

3 Locations now available!
Edmonton AB
Sherwood Park AB
Beaumont AB
Give us a call for directions and addresses
(800) 440-8390

This is a current sampling of producer grain for sale. This list is updated three times per week. Please note, the list is large and (depending upon your internet speed) may take some time to load onto your computer. To purchase grain, call 1-800-440-8390 or send an email

barley 2 row feedAthabasca200004/23/2024
barley 2 row feed (organic)Barrhead1000002/26/2024
barley 2 row feedBeaumont1000008/21/2024
barley 2 row feedBlackfoot400008/21/2024
barley 2 row feedBonnyville200008/21/2024
barley 2 row feedCalmar1200008/21/2024
barley 2 row feedCamrose1000008/21/2024
barley 2 row feedCamrose200007/15/2024
barley 2 row feedCamrose600005/03/2024
barley 2 row feedEdberg100005108/27/2024
barley 2 row feedHeisler500004/25/2024
barley 2 row feedHeisler200008/21/2024
barley 2 row feedHughenden200008/21/2024
barley 2 row feedKillam700008/21/2024
barley 2 row feedLacombe3000007/15/2024
barley 2 row feedLamont2000005/28/2024
barley 2 row feedLamont100005408/21/2024
barley 2 row feedLeduc1300008/21/2024
barley 2 row feedMundare1000008/21/2024
barley 2 row feedMundare200005/28/2024
barley 2 row feedOlds4000002/26/2024
barley 2 row feedProvost1000005/31/2024
barley 2 row feed (organic)Rocky View1200007/16/2024
barley 2 row feedSpedden200004/25/2024
Barley 2 row feedStauffer200005/28/2024
barley 2 row feedVegreville200007/15/2024
barley 2 row feedVilna2000008/28/2024
barley 2 row feedVilna1000007/15/2024
barley 2 row feedWaskatenau2000002/07/2024
barley 2 row feedWetaskiwin200005/28/2024
barley 2 row feedWetaskiwin2550004/05/2024
canola Beauvallon2200005/29/2024
canola #1 Bonnyville4000002/26/2024
canola #1 Boyle160002/16/2024
canola Boyle2000005/28/2024
canola heated Clyde400006/21/2024
canola Glendon1500006/24/2024
canola Lac La Biche800006/12/2024
canola Lacombe560007/15/2024
canola #1 Mundare1500008/21/2024
canola #1 Rollyview320004/22/2024
canola #1 Rollyview600005/02/2024
canola Tofield200004/19/2024
canola Vilna1500007/15/2024
canola Vilna160007/15/2024
faba beans Barrhead800007/15/2024
faba beans Bittern Lake160008/23/2024
faba beans Ferintosh160005/22/2024
faba beans Fort Saskatchewan1000008/02/2024
faba beans Mallaig160008/20/2024
faba beans Rumsey360007/12/2024
faba beans Vulcan1000004/23/2024
lentils red #2 CWNeutral Hills600008/27/2024
oats feed Blackfoot280008/21/2024
oats #2 organicFort Vermilion960004/19/2024
oats #1 CWHalkirk30004203/01/2024
oats #2 organicLeduc1500004/19/2024
oats #2 organicMayerthorpe1000005/31/2024
oats #1 CWOhaton200003/01/2024
oats #1 CWSpedden300004/25/2024
oats #1 CWSpirit River5000004/19/2024
oats #2 CWVegreville1000007/15/2024
peas green high bleachHeisler400006/17/2024
peas yellow edible Medicine Hat160004/25/2024
peas yellow edible Rochester160005/24/2024
peas green/yellow feedSpirit River300004/19/2024
rye #2 OrganicAlix1700008/26/2024
rye #2 OrganicBarrhead1000002/26/2024
rye Cereal160002/16/2024
rye #2 OrganicRocky View1000007/16/2024
wheat CWSWS Alliance160006/07/2024
wheat CWRS Athabasca450007/12/2024
wheat CPSR Athabasca450007/12/2024
wheat CWRS Bittern Lake160008/23/2024
wheat CPSR Bittern Lake160008/23/2024
wheat CWRS Boyle160002/16/2024
wheat CWRS Bruderheim1600003/20/2024
wheat CPSR Camrose1400003/14/2024
wheat CWRS Castor160002/23/2024
wheat CWSWS Castor900003/22/2024
wheat CWSWS Coronation450007/16/2024
wheat CWRS Donalda1500008/21/2024
wheat CWRS Hardisty1200005/28/2024
wheat CWSWS Hayter600007/12/2024
wheat CWRS High Prairie600005/28/2024
wheat CWSWS Hughenden160008/21/2024
wheat CPSR Lac La Biche450006/12/2024
wheat feed Lamont160007/10/2024
wheat CWRS Leduc420007/15/2024
wheat CWAD Medicine Hat160004/25/2024
wheat CPSR New Norway160006/18/2024
wheat CPSR New Norway1500004/30/2024
wheat CPSR Olds1000007/15/2024
wheat CPSR Olds1800002/26/2024
wheat CPSR Paradise Valley1600004/12/2024
wheat CWRS Provost1000006/13/2024
wheat CPSR Provost1000006/13/2024
wheat CWRS Redwater300004/22/2024
wheat CWRS OrganicSedalia1500003/04/2024
wheat CWAD Sedalia1000003/04/2024
wheat CWRS Silver Valley320007/15/2024
wheat CPSR St. Michael2000004/08/2024
wheat CWRS Stauffer1000005/28/2024
wheat CWRS Thorhild160005/31/2024
wheat CPSR Thorhild160005/31/2024
wheat CWRS Thorsby900003/21/2024
wheat CNHR Tofield160004/19/2024
wheat CWSWS Vermilion1500004/19/2024
wheat CWRS Vilna1000007/15/2024
wheat CWRS Vilna160007/15/2024
wheat CWSWS Wainwright4000004/19/2024
wheat CWSWS Wainwright2500004/19/2024
wheat CPSR Wetaskiwin360005/28/2024