• Your Grain Watch Dog!
  • Office Hours: M-F 8:00am - 5:00pm




Use the freight estimator to calculate costs. All you need to know is the per MT cost for trucking, and a bushel conversion will be displayed.

Price per MT

The cost to have your trucking company listed here is $131.25 per year, just become a Grainwise subscribers.

Please forward equipment available, and preferred locations to haul.

For more information, please send us an email. As fuel prices change, the freight estimator chart will be updated.

Prefferred Haulers List

Please support the professional drivers who make your experience of getting grain picked up at the bin a great one!

Camrose, AB

Joen Schmutz Klipp Enterprises 780-678-5407 klipp24dispatch@gmail.com

Camrose, Alberta

Benny Wiebe Lee Transport Ltd 780-781-3008 Cell dispatch@leetransport.ca

Erskine, Alberta

Scott Kruk Scott Kruk Trucking Ltd. 403-740-5094 Cell sskruk@xplornet.com

Grand Prairie, Alberta

Rufina Taylor-Richards Zade's Urban Leafy Green's Inc. 587-202-1568 rufina@zadesfarm.ca

Nobleford, Alberta

Shawna Marien GTL Trucking Ltd. 403-308-9231 Cell commodities@gtltrucking.ca

Vermilion, Alberta

office@rusylvia.com Rusylvia Transport 780-581-9045 Cell office@rusylvia.com

Viking, Alberta

Dwayne Dennis D-Bar Transport Ltd. 780-679-4633 d-bartransport@outlook.com  

Meota, Saskatchewan

Silvano Perinotto PST Transportation 306-491-8210 psttransportation261@gmail.com

Dauphin, Manitoba

Cory Tarrant CJT Trucking 204-647-5979 Cell cj.tarrant101@gmail.com

St. Adolphe, Manitoba

Scott Weir By's Transport Inc. 204-795-6789 Cell dispatch@bystransport.com