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  • Office Hours: M-F 8:00am - 5:00pm

Grainwise Newsletter

Grainwise Newsletter

Benifits of Subscribing



Our weekly newsletter, has been providing current and relevant grain marketing information to our subscribers since 1996.

  • Keep up-to-date with weekly issues of Grainwise.
  • Review what grain prices were booked by producers throughout the week and buyers’ bids throughout the week.
  • At a glance, see what happened in Canadian and US futures markets and why.
  • Read John Stewart’s “A Farmer’s Perspective” for grain marketing.
  • Review useful agricultural news and articles.



Ever wonder what pricing is on the market? This can easily be accessed with the bid board.

  • Buyers enter grain bids to reach many producers at one time.
  • Producers can review prices and see which bid fits their farm location and sell grain.



Subscription costs are $131.25 per year including GST.

Give us a call to get set up or fill out the free trail form and check it out for 4 weeks!

Past Grainwise Issues

Read archived issues (PDF format) of our weekly grain marketing newsletter.

“Grainwise” is published 50 times per year and is available by fax, mail or email.

To read current issues, become a member! Grain farmers and buyers have been reading Grainwise since 1996.

A Blast From the Past

Ever wonder what some past pricing was from way back in the day?

Well here are some crop prices that were booked dating back 1999-2006.